The Most Common Detox Symptoms
If you have an addiction, you might already know there are many ways to recover. Everyone has a different way of treating his or her situation. One thing is almost inevitable, though. Once our bodies get used to the constant use of a substance or alcohol, we become dependent on it. So, when you take that substance away, the effects can be physically hard to deal with. This is where detox can help. For some, there might be symptoms that come with it. This article will list most of the common detox symptoms for those trying to quit using or drinking.
First, it’s important to understand what detox is, and how it is essential for a healthy recovery journey. Detox is not in itself a treatment. However, for most, it is a first step to recovery. When you stop taking a substance that your body has depended on, it can start to react in a certain way. These reactions are called withdrawal symptoms. For example, people who are addicted to alcohol, and who might have been drinking for a long time, may experience a number of symptoms.
For people who are undergoing detox, being provided with a detox program can include a few steps. It is recommended to have a detox expert assist you with your needs. You also need to talk about your history and your health with a medical professional.
Some people need the support of medications during detox. Withdrawal symptoms may come up, and physical and mental health issues might stem from that. The primary goal is to keep you mentally and physically prepared for the entire recovery journey. Regular temperature, heart rate, blood pressure, and respiration checks are also needed.
What are Some of the Common Detox Symptoms?
Withdrawal symptoms are mild for some but much more serious for others.
Anxiety itself can manifest as many symptoms. It can also be different for everyone. Here are some of the symptoms commonly experienced by people suffering from anxiety:
Difficulty in concentrating.
Feeling like your mind goes blank
Difficulty sleeping.
Excessive overthinking
Fear of a certain situation or object
Fear of interacting with people
Muscle tension
Another detox symptom is tremors. People who are trying to quit drinking alcoholic beverages, usually experience shaking within the 5-10-hour mark after their last alcohol intake. Shaking can peak after one to two days of not taking alcohol. The challenging thing about tremors is that it brings with it other physical manifestations including sweating, a rise in blood pressure, rapid pulse, rapid breathing, nausea, irritability, and vomiting.
People who are recovering from alcoholism often struggle with depression, and this detox symptom can be the hardest to cope with. The grief because you are not able to drink, and not drinking to relieve depression can seem like being stuck between two immovable rocks. There are also people who were addicted to substances in order to mask their depression, grief, sadness, and other negative emotions. This has become a recurring problem observed in Alcoholic Anonymous meetings, that this is the cause of why people quit recovering. In this case, a strong support system is needed.
The best way to avoid falling back into a depression is through avoidance of triggers. For example, someone can be in a party and think that he is the only one who is unhappy, and the only way to be in the same mood with others and to get out of the unpleasant thought is to get a drink. It also helps to build a support network that includes people who can relate to what you are going through. Self-care is also important in this case. You can work on learning how to say no. Most importantly, if you are taking medications for both addiction and depression, always talk to your doctor if you are experiencing out of the ordinary symptoms.
Delirium Tremens
Delirium tremens could happen in the first two to three days that you have not had any alcohol. For some, it can also start after more than a week. For most, it peaks during the four to five days from the last alcohol intake. Delirium tremens can result in a shift of breathing and circulation. It can also impact your temperature control. Some of the physical manifestations include racing of your heart. There are people recovering who have reported bouts of blood pressure rise. In most cases, it can also cause dehydration.
The same symptom can cause blood flow to temporarily decrease in your brain. This can result in confusion, stupor, loss of consciousness, irrational beliefs, sweats, sleep disturbances, disorientation, nervousness, and anger.
The detox symptoms listed are just some of the initial hurdles you must overcome if trying to quit alcohol or other substances. Recovery is a long road full of obstacles, but it is not impossible to finish with the right recovery program.

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Medical disclaimer:
Sunshine Behavioral Health strives to help people who are facing substance abuse, addiction, mental health disorders, or a combination of these conditions. It does this by providing compassionate care and evidence-based content that addresses health, treatment, and recovery.
Licensed medical professionals review material we publish on our site. The material is not a substitute for qualified medical diagnoses, treatment, or advice. It should not be used to replace the suggestions of your personal physician or other health care professionals.