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Sober Enjoyment: Fun Nondrinking Activities for St. Patrick’s Day

Although St. Patrick’s Day is an Irish religious holiday that falls during a time when some commemorate the religious observance known as Lent, it is also known as a time of celebration and often associated with drinking alcohol. If you’re on the path to alcohol addiction recovery, there are alternative nondrinking activities for St. Patrick’s Day.

Some people might be surprised to discover that some people treat St. Patrick’s Day as a religious holiday to celebrate the life of St. Patrick. According to legend, St. Patrick brought Christianity to Ireland, explaining the Holy Trinity by using the Irish clover called the shamrock. He allegedly died on March 17 in the year 461.

Modern-day St. Patrick’s Day celebrations might see people hanging up green decorations, wearing green clothes, attending church, or celebrating at gatherings. People might also celebrate by consuming Irish-themed cuisines, alcoholic beverages, and green beer.

Whether you have an Irish background or not, being wary of alcohol addiction triggers during this time is crucial to prevent a relapse. Enjoying and celebrating is one thing, but struggling with addiction due to holidays and gatherings is another. You might want to consider alternative activities you can enjoy by yourself or with your loved ones during St. Patrick’s Day and beyond.

Sober Activities for St. Patrick’s Day and Beyond

Nature Hiking

Since St. Patrick’s Day is all about everything green, why don’t you take it literally and do some nature hiking?

You can explore some forest or beach trails and breathe some fresh air. While the weather where you live may be a little cool, remember that spring is just a few days away (or will arrive eventually). Consider visiting some parks and wearing warm layers of clothing. Be sure to snap some photos to commemorate the event!

To make your nature hiking family-friendly, you can ask kids to carry a basket to gather clover plants or leaves they find interesting. After hiking and other activities, you can have a picnic in a cool spot while examining and describing the clovers or leaves that everyone picked.

Irish Cuisine

If you would rather stay indoors, why not cook some well-known Irish staples? If you have an Irish background but haven’t gotten in touch with your culinary roots, it could be time to do so.

Even if you’re not Irish, it still might be fun to try new cuisines from different cultures. Some recipes you can try at home include:

You serve these foods buffet-style for your whole family to try, or you can hold a cooking contest to see who creates the tastiest Irish dish. If you’re going solo or are cooking for a date, you can try reducing the recipe portions to make one or two servings.

Staycation Fun

Despite continuing COVID-19 restrictions still in place, it may be possible to travel with less risk. To do this, book lodgings without a shared space, such as solo cabins or Airbnb accommodations that are single houses.

Day trips are also fun. You can explore your home city by making a list of historical landmarks you can visit or visiting a church or other religious building to commemorate St. Patrick’s Day. 

It’s also exciting to find new dining places near home that you haven’t tried yet. It might be best to avoid pubs, bars, or other places that highlight alcohol in order to avoid the temptation of drinking.

Tranquility and Creativity on St. Patrick’s Day

Many have the impression that St. Patrick’s celebrations should be loud and active and include endless carousing. But you can counter such expectations by experiencing happiness in different ways.

You can celebrate St. Patrick’s Day by engaging in a tranquil and relaxing activity you enjoy, such as reading a book, painting or drawing, or listening to calming music. You can try different activities, such as learning to play a musical instrument, taking an art class, or enjoying a relaxing massage.

Happiness can be celebrated in different ways, whether it’s through active and loud celebrations or through moments of tranquility and creativity. 

Sober Activity Ideas: You Can Be Merry and Alcohol-Free in St.Patrick’s Day

These suggestions are some ideas for celebrating St. Patrick’s Day by yourself or with loved ones while staying sober.

Sobriety shouldn’t feel boring or like punishment. These ideas are proof that you can celebrate St. Patrick’s Day and other holidays in fun ways without alcohol.

Sources – History of St. Patrick’s Day – Alcohol Addiction Hotline – Irish Beef Stew Recipe – Irish Boxty Recipe – Colcannon Recipe – Irish Goody Recipe – Best Meditation Music for Sleep

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Sunshine Behavioral Health strives to help people who are facing substance abuse, addiction, mental health disorders, or a combination of these conditions. It does this by providing compassionate care and evidence-based content that addresses health, treatment, and recovery.

Licensed medical professionals review material we publish on our site. The material is not a substitute for qualified medical diagnoses, treatment, or advice. It should not be used to replace the suggestions of your personal physician or other health care professionals.

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