Ready to begin your recovery? Learn more about how a treatment facility in Avon, CO, can provide you with the support you need to get sober.

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Inpatient Rehab in Avon, Colorado

Upscale Colorado facility with medication assisted treatment and Non-12-Step program options

  • Keep your phone and laptop
  • Safe 24/7 monitored detox
  • SMART options
  • Dual diagnosis programs
  • Long-term arrangements
  • Thorough aftercare planning
  • Located in Monument, CO
  • Out of state options in CA, TX and IL

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When you’re ready to begin recovering from substance use disorder, it’s smart to choose a location where you feel you can escape the pressures of day-to-day life and focus solely on your recovery. Many people choose Avon, Colorado, to begin their journey to sobriety. Down the road from Vail, Avon provides residents and visitors fresh air, mountain views, and a friendly, welcoming community. When you begin your journey to wellness in Avon, you’ll get the natural setting you need to focus fully on what matters most. Here, we’ll look at what you need to know about beginning your inpatient rehab journey in Avon, Colorado.

Addiction Statistics in Avon, Colorado

Many people in the Eagle County area are living with addiction. Area drug abuse officials state that overdose deaths associated with the drug fentanyl have increased in Eagle County over the past few years. In 2021, Eagle County had 7 overdose deaths per 100,000 people. In addition to fentanyl, people in the Eagle County area are struggling with addiction to other substances, including marijuana, alcohol, MDMA, and non-fentanyl prescription drugs. 

Thankfully, there are many options for people living in Eagle County who want to begin recovery from drug and alcohol abuse. Private rehab centers, non-profit organizations, and law enforcement agencies are all working together to provide the people of Eagle County with the support they need to get well after surviving addiction.

Inpatient Rehab in Avon, Colorado

Patients live at their rehab facility during inpatient rehab and have access to around-the-clock care. For many with substance use disorder, an inpatient program is a smart way to start recovery. During inpatient rehab, clients can access the mental health and medical care they need to get well. People who choose inpatient rehab also experience being surrounded by others in similar life circumstances, which can provide hope in moving forward. 

When you choose inpatient rehab, you’re giving yourself the chance to hit a pause on your day-to-day life and do the hard work required to begin again. Inpatient rehab allows you to truly get away from it all, taking the time that you need to focus on yourself and your well-being. During your time in inpatient rehab, you’ll learn the skills you need to handle the stresses of your life healthily rather than returning to drug and alcohol use following treatment.

What to Look for in Inpatient Rehab at Avon, Colorado

When you decide it’s time to begin your recovery, the first step is choosing a treatment center that can meet your needs. Here, we’ll examine three factors you want to consider as you begin researching your inpatient rehab options. 

On-Site Detox

Many people who seek treatment for substance use disorder struggle to make it from detox to rehab, opting to go home between the two processes. For many people, this leads to relapse despite completing the hard work of detox. When choosing a facility with on-site detox, it’s much easier to stay on the course of your recovery, transitioning directly from detox to rehab. Choosing a facility that offers on-site detox also allows you to have continuity of care as you get to know staff members and the standard procedures of your facility. 


You must choose an inpatient treatment facility proven qualified to meet your needs. Accrediting organizations such as Legit Script and the Joint Commission require that facilities meet rigorous standards to earn accreditation. When you choose an accredited facility, you can rest assured that you’re getting vetted treatment that will positively impact your recovery. 

Treatment Services

Your treatment needs are unique to your condition and circumstances, and you must find a facility that can provide you with treatment that will lead to long-term sobriety. Many people find that they experience success with cognitive-behavioral therapy for addiction. This type of therapy works to help you identify thoughts that lead to undesired behaviors. With a qualified therapist, you’ll work to get to the root of the thoughts that lead you to use and work to create new thought patterns and responses that are more likely to create desired behaviors. Many people with addiction also deal with trauma and may want to look for a facility that offers trauma-informed therapy.

What to Expect During Inpatient Rehab at Avon, Colorado

It can feel overwhelming to enter treatment for drug and alcohol abuse when you’re not sure what to expect. Here, we’ll look at the four phases of treatment: assessment, detox, treatment, and aftercare. 


When you arrive at your treatment facility, you’ll meet members of your treatment team and begin the assessment and intake process. During this process, you’ll spend some time filling out forms and talking with a therapist or intake coordinator about your medical and mental health history. You’ll be asked many questions about your substance use, and you’ll be asked to explain the circumstances in your life that led you to abuse drugs or alcohol. During intake, you’ll be asked questions about your mental health to help determine if you need dual diagnosis care. You’ll also undergo a physical exam to help your treatment team determine if you’re well enough to detox. 


You must go through the detox process under the supervision of a medical treatment team, as trying to go through detox alone can be uncomfortable or even fatal. During detox, drugs and alcohol leave the body. You’ll likely experience some withdrawal symptoms that may be uncomfortable but necessary to move forward in your recovery. Detox typically only takes a few days. Your medical treatment team will provide you with the around-the-clock care and support needed to get through the detox process. After you complete detox, you’ll be prepared to move on to the rehab portion of your treatment. 


After your detox period, it will be time to begin your formal rehab treatment. During inpatient rehab, you’ll form close relationships with your treatment team and others beginning their recovery journey. During individual therapy, you’ll work with your therapist to identify your triggers and develop coping strategies to help you work through stressors without using drugs and alcohol. During group therapy, you’ll talk about your experiences with others, sharing different ways that you’re working toward getting and staying sober. Some inpatient rehab facilities offer experiential or holistic therapy, such as yoga classes, mindfulness training, wilderness therapy, and more. 


After you complete the inpatient portion of your treatment, it’s time to transition to aftercare. Depending on your needs and lifestyle, your aftercare may consist of several facets, including sober living, outpatient care, individual therapy, group therapy, and more. Sticking to your aftercare plan is key to continuing your sobriety after rehab. Many people find that returning to life after staying at an inpatient program requires a strong aftercare plan to face daily stressors head-on without returning to drug and alcohol use. Your aftercare plan will allow you to fully utilize the tools and strategies used during your inpatient stay to help support your sobriety. 

Paying for Inpatient Rehab at Avon, Colorado

When you’re getting ready to undergo substance use disorder treatment, figuring out how you will pay for care is important. If you have health insurance, your treatment may be covered by your plan. Reaching out to your treatment facility to verify your insurance can help you learn more about your coverage and understand your expected out-of-pocket cost. If you do not have health insurance, talk with your facility about private payment options to get the care you need. 

You may also consider taking out a loan, using savings, or talking with family and friends about whether they can financially support your recovery. You must do what’s necessary to get the funds you need to pay for high-quality addiction recovery care.

Traveling to Avon, Colorado

Driving to Avon, you’ll likely take I-70 to get to your treatment facility. If you’re flying to Avon, you’ll likely fly into the Aspen or Denver International Airport. From there, you’ll have the option of taking a taxi or rideshare service to your treatment facility, or you can work with your treatment facility to arrange transportation.

If you’re ready to get well, we’re ready to help. Reach out to us today to talk with one of our staff members about how we can help you begin the recovery process.





Post Independent – “The rising threat of fentanyl: How the deadly synthetic opioid has gained traction in Colorado and Eagle County.”

Snowbrains – “The Emergence of Deadly Fentanyl in Eagle County (Vail), CO and Surrounding Communities”

Medical disclaimer:

Sunshine Behavioral Health strives to help people who are facing substance abuse, addiction, mental health disorders, or a combination of these conditions. It does this by providing compassionate care and evidence-based content that addresses health, treatment, and recovery.

Licensed medical professionals review material we publish on our site. The material is not a substitute for qualified medical diagnoses, treatment, or advice. It should not be used to replace the suggestions of your personal physician or other health care professionals.

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