Cooking wine (cooking sherry) may seem like a harmless ingredient when preparing dishes, but having it around the house can pose dangers for a recovering addict. Knowing its effects can help you avoid stocking cooking wine or sherry in your pantry.
You always hear this special ingredient in fancy lifestyle and cooking shows–just a little touch of wine can add a depth of flavor in your dishes. For many, this practice is nothing out of the ordinary. Most people believe that since alcohol has a lower boiling point than water, most dishes prepared with cooking wine won’t even be slightly intoxicating.
However, an article published in the Business Insider indicates that you can still get drunk by eating food prepared with alcohol. Scientists took alcohol blood level tests, and it shows that after having meals made with cooking wine or sherry yielded positive results. Some, although not keen on making dishes with alcohol, might even be drinking cooking wine out of the bottle.
Why Do People Drink Cooking Wine (Cooking Sherry)?
Surprisingly, according to Google Statistics there are over 19 million people looking up for terms like “Can you drink cooking sherry?”. The Food Network also addressed this question in an article about various recipes that call for wine; the simple answer is: YES. People drink cooking wine for their alcohol content, but it is not advisable to drink as it contains high amounts of sodium and other additives not fit for drinking; still, there are people who indulge in this habit, and below are the reasons why:
Incidental Drinking
The first main reason why someone would end up drinking cooking wine is that they just happen to do so. When someone is in the kitchen, and there are no options left, someone who is on the verge of an addiction relapse may find themselves gulping down a bottle of cooking sherry for “relief”. This is called incidental drinking, and it doesn’t usually occur because an individual has intentions, it is mostly because the substance is available at their weakest moment.
A Growing Addiction
According to a news article posted in Daily Mail, underage teens have found a way to buy cooking wine to get drunk, as cooking sherry has 12% to 17% alcohol content. Although the cooking wine’s taste isn’t palatable compared to actual drinking wine, its alcoholic contents can get people drunk as well. If you’re wondering can you get drunk off cooking wine, the fact that this news popped up confirms that there are cases of growing alcoholism that is encouraged by having this supposedly non-potable kitchen item. The risk of drinking cooking wine is the same as drinking actual wine.
The Dangers Of Drinking Cooking Wine
According to Google Statistics, there are ove 4 million people looking up for “Can you drink cooking sherry without posing a health risk?” and the straightforward answer is: NO. Just like any other alcoholic beverage, there are real dangers of drinking cooking wine, especially in large amounts. Its alcohol content may not be as much as other hard drinks, but as stated above, the risk is there.
People who drink cooking wine are exposing themselves to the same risk as an alcoholic: behavioral changes, liver diseases, poisoning, gastritis and a wide spectrum of psychological disorders. Some risks and dangers related to drinking cooking wine or cooking sherry, are listed below.
Increased Alcohol Tolerance
The initial risk of drinking cooking wine or sherry is increased alcohol tolerance. While some drinking wines have an alcohol content as low as 0.1%, cooking sherry alcohol content goes at an average of 12% – 17%. The result of drinking beverages with higher alcohol content is tolerance, which leads to dependency and addiction.
Alcohol Easy Access – Addiction and Dependency
No wonder, some young people would bypass the ID checks and prefer buying this kitchen staple instead. Those who habitually drink cooking wine can have faster rates of alcohol addiction and dependency, as they can get it in an easy way. Some people also opt to buy wholesale of cooking wine online to prevent being checked under the radar.
Co-occurring Disorder
Alcohol abuse can lead to several problems that accompany addiction, such as: psychosis, depression, anxiety, or any other mental disorder. Some individuals who are often drunk can have a wide range of behavioral changes including violent behavior, that cause them to hurt themselves or other people; since alcoholism and psychiatric disorders are closely tied, it is best to avoid drinking for people who have a history of mental health disorders.
Other Dangers of Drinking Cooking Wine
There are also other health risks, related to drinking cooking wine apart from addiction and associated to the drink content. The most frequently suffered are listed below:
Liver Diseases
The liver is the main organ to process alcohol and when excessive alcohol is consumed, the liver tends to overwork and saturate its alcohol receptors, leading to acute and chronic kidney diseases. Diseases such as: alcoholic cirrhosis, alcoholic hepatitis and alcoholic fatty liver disease very similar to someone drinking hard liquors or moonshine.
Kidney Diseases
Aside from alcohol, cooking wine and cooking sherry have high sodium content which makes it not an ideal item to drink. Excessive sodium can cause a kidney filtering diminish, leading to a chronic renal disease or renal failure at the worst.
Heart and Vascular Diseases
When other organs such as the liver and kidneys are affected, the risk of suffering arterial hypertension increases exponentially. In addition, the sodium content increasing the blood pressure and and the damaged organs can lead to vessel obstruction, causing circulation problems; which ultimately can cause a Stroke or a Hearth Attack.
Can Cooking Wine Lead to Alcohol Poisoning?
Another health risk that is quite different from chronic diseases and addiction, is alcohol poisoning. The truth is, any beverage or substance with an alcoholic content poses a risk for poisoning, especially when consumed too fast under a short period of time.
Put simply, cooking wine and cooking sherry consumption can lead to alcohol poisoning. Some signs of alcohol poisoning or overdose include:
- Confusion
- Unconsciousness
- Vomiting
- Seizures
- Slow or irregular breathing
- Clammy skin
- Low body temperature
If these signs are present in you or a loved one, it is considered a medical emergency and you should seek help right away. Talk to a Intake Coordinator
Take The First Step Towards Recovery
Finding Treatment for Alcohol Abuse
Perhaps you have come across this page looking for information if cooking wine or cooking sherry is addictive, or you’re seeking help for alcohol abuse. Know that you are not alone. There are treatment centers and addiction specialists ready to walk you along with the steps to getting sober. Below are the general steps you need to take when finding treatment for alcohol abuse:
- Contact a high-quality rehab center. There are rehab facilities that offer a confidential assessment and evidence-based treatment for alcohol abuse. This means that such healthcare facilities provide the best standard of care and show the utmost concern for their patients. When you get to contact a good rehab center, they will assist you with the process of verifying your insurance, and making arrangements to get you ready for treatment.
- Preparing for rehab. Getting ready for inpatient treatment requires you to be removed from your usual settings and routine. This allows you to find solace while focusing on your recovery. In a separate post, we address some common questions asked about rehab and what to prepare before being admitted.
- Seek assistance for interventions when necessary. In some cases, a family member, friend, or other loved ones are showing signs of alcohol abuse but is reluctant in getting help. Staging an intervention is a great way to convince them to go to rehab. Addiction specialists can help you plan a staged intervention by helping you to say the right words and execute the right timing to make the addiction treatment happen.
Protect Your Health: Avoid Drinking Cooking Wine
The bottom line is, drinking cooking wine as a beverage poses negative health risks in terms of addiction and other chronic diseases. Long-term use is associated with alcoholism as well as heart, kidney, and liver disease. Protect your health–drinking cooking wine or cooking sherry shouldn’t be a part of your daily habit.

Medical disclaimer:
Sunshine Behavioral Health strives to help people who are facing substance abuse, addiction, mental health disorders, or a combination of these conditions. It does this by providing compassionate care and evidence-based content that addresses health, treatment, and recovery.
Licensed medical professionals review material we publish on our site. The material is not a substitute for qualified medical diagnoses, treatment, or advice. It should not be used to replace the suggestions of your personal physician or other health care professionals.