
Many people want to know if there are any black and mild positive effects. Before this can be answered it can be helpful to know more about these cigars. Black and Milds are small cigars. They are made from pipe tobacco. More tobacco is used in these than in cigarettes. There are many flavors of Black and Milds including cream, apple, wine, and cherry. In addition, the Black and Milds are not expensive and people can buy them in single packs.  So are you getting the “buzz” by smoking these?

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Addiction to Black and Mild Cigars  

Yes, people can get addicted to these cigars. Just like any other products with tobacco in them, the nicotine can be addictive. Nicotine causes narrowing of the blood vessels, which can lead to increased pressure on one’s heart. If you have become addicted to Black and Mild cigars and want to know how to stop smoking black and milds, you can get the treatment you need.

Nicotine Withdrawal Symptoms  

If you are going to quit smoking Black and Mild cigars, it may be helpful to be aware of some of the nicotine withdrawal symptoms you might go through. Some of these include the following:

  • Troubles sleeping

  • Cravings for nicotine

  • Troubles with concentration

  • Feeling down or sad

  • Feeling restless or jumpy

  • Feeling on edge, grouchy, or irritable

  • Gain weight or feeling hungrier than usual

  • Reduced heart rate

There are ways to handle these symptoms and there are many places that can help you with the withdrawal process as well.

Other Cigars Compared to Black and Mild Cigars  

Other types of cigars aren’t more dangerous than the Black and Mild cigars. These cigars are known as cigarillos. They are usually smaller than regular cigars. However, that doesn’t make Black and Milds safer than other cigars. Black and Milds have many harmful chemicals in them and the yare made from fermented tobacco, unlike the cigarettes. With the fermenting process, there are higher levels of carcinogenic nitrosamines in these cigars. There is also more tobacco used in these cigars than in cigarettes.

People who smoke Black and Mild cigars are being exposed to different harmful substances too. This includes ammonia, carbon monoxide, cadmium, and hydrocarbons. Even if someone isn’t inhaling the smoke, if they are exposed to it by it touching their skin, they are being exposed to harmful chemicals. Longer-term use of cigar smoking can increase the exposure to these chemicals and increase the risk of health issues as well.

Black and Mild Kick   

Many people want to know, do Black and Milds show up on a drug test? While they won’t show up on a drug test, they certainly have a kick to them. While there isn’t scientific material to back up the high from smoking these cigars, some people do say they get a buzz when smoking them. Many Black and Mild smokers get a kick after being exposed to the nicotine in just one cigar. This kick is being caused by the adrenal gland stimulation that happens when inhaling nicotine. The stimulation leads to adrenaline discharge of epinephrine into the body. This rush can raise the user’s heart rate, respiration, and blood pressure. If you like the kick or high you get from smoking these cigars, you have a risk of getting addicted to them.

Addiction to Black and Mild Cigars  

Besides the addiction to nicotine with Black and Milds, people can become psychologically addicted to these cigars as well. They may crave them and want more of them. The inability to ignore the cravings makes it tough to overcome nicotine addiction. These addictive properties can be intensified when using with alcohol. If you have a desire to keep smoking these cigars and have a difficult time avoiding withdrawals, you may need to get some help.

You Can Get Help  

Withdrawal symptoms and cravings can weaken in time if you stop using nicotine. You may need to alter your behaviors, actions, and choices. Some people even need to take medications such as Chantix or Bupropion. These medications are available, so people can get the help they need to manage withdrawal symptoms. The good part about withdrawing from nicotine is that the symptoms are not going to be dangerous to your health. In fact, withdrawing from nicotine is only going to benefit your health. If you need to withdraw from Black and Milds, remember that you are not alone.

Do you need more information about withdrawing from these types of cigars? You can find out more about the help you can get today. Speaking with an addiction specialist to find out what you can do to overcome your nicotine addiction is one of the best choices you can make today. Make the call to get more information on how you can overcome your addiction, turn your life around, and make healthier lifestyle choices today.

Questions or concerns?  If so, reach out to Sunshine Behavioral Health today.

Medical disclaimer:

Sunshine Behavioral Health strives to help people who are facing substance abuse, addiction, mental health disorders, or a combination of these conditions. It does this by providing compassionate care and evidence-based content that addresses health, treatment, and recovery.

Licensed medical professionals review material we publish on our site. The material is not a substitute for qualified medical diagnoses, treatment, or advice. It should not be used to replace the suggestions of your personal physician or other health care professionals.

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