Susan B. Anthony Day
On February 15, 1820, Susan B. Anthony was born. Although we commemorate her birth every year on February 15th, few people know about it or the significance of this woman’s life. However, if you’re a history buff, you may know that the efforts of Anthony and others paved the way for the 19th Amendment of the United States Constitution. This amendment gives U.S. women the right to vote. Without Susan B. Anthony and other courageous people, women would not have the rights they do today, and that’s a very big deal. Before her 40 years as a civil rights and women’s rights activist, she spent her childhood in Rochester, New York, with parents who were active in the antislavery movement. It was she who said that “Independence is happiness,” and without Susan B. Anthony, the women of the United States would not know many of the freedoms they currently enjoy. Because of her, women are more freely able to- Work at different professions.
- Enjoy the freedom to participate in different activities.
- Go where they want.
- Reap the benefits of health care and other advantages.
- Vote for the candidates of their choice.
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