Same-day rehab admittance might be necessary when you or your loved one is in a crisis. A crisis can look like many different things. Maybe you or your loved one just relapsed or maybe you have been slowly consumed by your addiction to the point you need help right now. Let’s say your loved one just agreed to be admitted into a rehab facility, but you are afraid that tomorrow they will change their mind. You need to get your loved one into rehab today before they overdose on their drug or decide they don’t want help anymore.
According to an article published in the Journal of Drug Issues, the waiting period to get into a rehab program is a common barrier for those seeking treatment. The longer a person who is addicted to drugs or alcohol has to wait to be admitted to treatment, the more likely they are to not follow through with treatment. Many substance users contact a rehab facility when they are in crisis and need immediate drug rehab. Therefore, being placed on a waiting list raises second thoughts about the facility’s willingness and their capacity for treatment services to provide the support they need. Additionally, being placed on a waiting list also increases a person’s chances of criminal justice involvement, decreases their motivation to get treatment, and decreases their overall functioning.
An article published in the Journal of Behavioral Health Services and Research found that facilities that are able to resolve barriers for a person wishing to enter substance use disorder treatment, such as minimizing wait times, not only experience lower levels of patient attrition but also higher levels of patient satisfaction and success. With that being said, a lot of rehab clinics have redesigned their intake procedures to determine the fastest way to get a person into treatment and provide patients with individualized treatment plans. This has resulted in many rehab programs now being able to offer same day and next day admissions. There are certain situations where a person needs emergency rehab and therefore needs to walk into drug rehab immediately. An emergency drug detox can help avoid the potentially dangerous consequences of drug addiction. A few situations that need emergency rehab are if a person is experiencing alcohol withdrawal, benzodiazepine withdrawal, opiate withdrawal, or if a person is at risk for overdosing. One situation that needs an emergency detox is if a person is experiencing or at risk of experiencing alcohol withdrawal. One potentially fatal side effect of withdrawing from alcohol is delirium tremens. Delirium tremens is when the brain is not able to readjust its chemistry after a person stops alcohol. This creates dangerous changes to the way a person’s brain regulates circulation and breathing. It also impacts a person’s heart rate and blood pressure, putting them at risk for heart attack, stroke, and even death. A person who is withdrawn from a benzodiazepine addiction also needs emergency rehab. According to an article published in Therapeutic Advances in Psychopharmacology, after a period of 1 to 6 months of use, abruptly stopping benzodiazepines can result in life-threatening seizures, delirium, and death. Additionally, overdosing on benzodiazepines can result in death. Another situation that would require a person to need an emergency detox is if they are suffering from opiate withdrawal. According to the National Drug and Alcohol Research Center, in general withdrawing from opiates is safe, but death can and does occur due to withdrawal complications. People can die from opiate withdrawal because two symptoms of opiate withdrawal are vomiting and diarrhea. If left untreated someone could get severely dehydrated resulting in elevated blood sodium levels, which can lead to heart failure. An overdose occurs when a person takes an excessive and dangerous dose of a drug or substance. In some cases, a substance overdose can result in death if not treated immediately. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, in 2018 67,367 drug overdose deaths occurred in the United States. Opioids are currently the main drug that people use that results in overdose. Opioids are involved in over 69.5 percent or 46,802 overdose deaths in 2018. Therefore, if someone is at risk for experiencing an overdose they need to get into rehab as quickly as possible to prevent potentially fatal consequences.
Situations That Need Emergency Rehab
Alcohol Withdrawal
Benzodiazepine Withdrawal
Opiate Withdrawal
At-Risk For An Overdose
How To Get Into Rehab Immediately
How to get into rehab fast? If you or your loved one needs an emergency drug detox now there are several steps you can take in an effort to get them into treatment as quickly as possible. First, you can locate and contact a 24-hour rehab center. Then, you can make sure you or your loved one is ready to go by gathering all the necessary information to facilitate administration. After that, you should consider notifying friends, family, and employers about your decision to walk into drug rehab today.
Locate and Contact a 24 Hour Rehab Center
To chat with an admissions navigator for Sunshine Behavioral Health or one of our affiliated treatment centers, call 888-653-7993, and start your healing today. This is a free and confidential number that can help you or your loved one get into a high-quality treatment center as quickly as possible.
Alternatively, the Substance Use Disorder and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) has a national helpline, which is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, and is confidential. The services this provides are referrals to local treatment facilities, support groups, and community-based organizations. It is available in both English and Spanish.
Gather Information to Facilitate Admission
To help your loved one get into treatment as fast as possible, help them gather their insurance information, medical and mental health records, emergency contact information, and forms of identification as well as details needed to enter the treatment facility.
Entering Same Day Detox
After you have contacted a same-day rehab facility and have gathered all your or your loved one’s treatment information you should consider notifying friends, family, and your employer of your decision to enter treatment. This is important because friends and family might need to take time off of their work or school to help you. The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) enables individuals to have up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave to care for themselves of their loved ones who are in drug rehab. This act enables you to keep your job after returning from your treatment because it prohibits employers from firing you while you are on leave getting treatment for your medical condition. Additionally, individuals can also take FMLA leave to care for a loved one in drug rehab.
Rehab Today
Coping with addiction is difficult for everyone involved. When in a crisis, no one should have to wait for treatment. In certain circumstances, quick admission to a detox program may be lifesaving. If you or someone you love is in a crisis and suffering from a drug or alcohol addiction, getting into rehab now can mean the difference between life and death. With help, a loved one afflicted with addiction can obtain the support and treatment necessary to overcome their addiction.
- Addiction Treatment Options. Sunshine Behavioral Health.
- Alcohol Withdrawal. Harvard Health Publishing.
- Challenges of pharmacological management of benzodiazepine withdrawal, dependence, and discontinuation. Therapeutic Advances in Psychopharmacology.
- Family and Medical Leave Act. U.S. Department of Labor.
- Improving Care for the Treatment of Alcohol and Drug Disorders. Journal of Behavioral Health Services and Research
- National Helpline. Substance Use Disorder and Mental Health Services Administration.
- Opioid Overdose. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,
- Yes, people can die from opiate withdrawal. National Drug & Alcohol Research Centre.
- Waiting time as a barrier to treatment entry: Perceptions of substance users. Journal of Drug Issues.
Medical disclaimer:
Sunshine Behavioral Health strives to help people who are facing substance abuse, addiction, mental health disorders, or a combination of these conditions. It does this by providing compassionate care and evidence-based content that addresses health, treatment, and recovery.
Licensed medical professionals review material we publish on our site. The material is not a substitute for qualified medical diagnoses, treatment, or advice. It should not be used to replace the suggestions of your personal physician or other health care professionals.