Sleeping pills are a sedative drugs designed to help you fall asleep and calm your mind. Sleeping pills achieve this by sedating your central nervous system. These pills are dangerous because they are potentially addictive and have serious side effects. Some common names for sleeping pills are Downers, Tranks, Benzos and Candy. If you are currently abusing sleeping pills, please contact us right away for treatment.
The most likely reason you start taking this drug is because you are having trouble sleeping,anxiety,stressed. Insomnia is one of the most common sleep disorder complaints among adults. It affects up to 30% of people over the age of 40. Trying to get sleep without success is not only distressing but can have adverse effects on your mental, physical and psychological health . But, once you have used the drug to help you fall asleep, you may become dependent upon it using it every time as a rescue to get you sleep. If you continue down this path, you may find it impossible to fall asleep without the drug leading to more stress.
Sleeping pills Addiction and Abuse
Sleep medication is one of the solutions used to address anxiety and sleeping problems. Due to the prevalence of these mental conditions, the number of people taking sleeping pills remains relatively high. According to a survey by the American Sleep Foundation, half of the respondents reported taking sleeping pills for insomnia routinely.
The survey also found that many Americans use alcohol, wine, marijuana and over the counter sleep medication to self medicate. Public health officials and health practitioners recognize that people need access to different solutions for their sleep deprivation problems. But accessibility to sleep medication, and the lack of information has increased the risk of abuse and addiction to sleeping medication. Some examples of this drug include Ambien (Zolpidem), Sonata (Zaleplon), and Lunesta (eszopiclone), Alprax(alprazolam)
Sleeping Pills Abuse Signs
Determining that you are addicted to sleeping pills is one of the toughest things you will ever do. It will not be easy to emotionally come to terms with how you’ve been living your life. Many doctors prescribe these medications pretty liberally and ignore the signs of sleeping pill addiction. It can be difficult to tell if you’ve become addicted to sleeping pills, however, there are signs of drug abuse you can look for in your daily life. They include:
- Withdrawal symptoms like cravings, depression, anxiety, and nausea
- Loss of interest in hobbies
- Careless grooming
- Altered sleep patterns
- Withdrawal from family members
- Needing more and more pills to fall asleep
Are alcohol and drugs ruining your life?
Find help nowSide Effects of Sleeping Pills
Short-term effects of sleeping pill use are:
- Slurred speech
- Uncoordinated movements
- Inability to focus
- Impaired memory
- Euphoria
- Dizziness
- Dry mouth
- Headache
- Heartburn
- Stomach pain
- Unusual dreams
- Diarrhoea
- Day time somnolence
- Burning or tingling sensation in hands
- Constipation
- Weakness
Long-term effects of sleeping pill abuse:
- Increased tolerance
- Depression
- Difficulties with coordination
- Body organ damage
- Respiratory problems
- An obsession for drugs
- Weight gain
Overdose Symptoms of Sleeping Pills
Sleeping pills abuse could lead to an overdose that could be fatal. Here are the symptoms of an overdose of sleeping pills:
- You could experience sleep apnea, which will stop you from breathing properly.
- Your vision could blur and you might find yourself in a state of dizziness.
- You can experience Hallucinations
- You could have a seizure
- You can experience swelling of face, lips
These are the biggest reasons to avoid overdosing on sleeping pills. Is your addiction to sleeping pills worth more than your life? No, it is not.
Sleeping Pills Withdrawal and Detox
The consequences of sleeping pills abuse makes itself abundantly clear to you when you have to go through withdrawal. The sleeping pills withdrawal process is a very difficult one and slow one. You should expect to experience a whole myriad of different symptoms.
- Your body might become anxious. This is most certainly going to happen to you if you try to stop taking the medication.
- Your body has been so used to taking the drug for so long that it doesn’t want to break the habit. It has built up a dependency on it, and it will be your task to rid your body of the addiction.
- You could feel your body excessively shaking. This is perhaps one of the most terrible ones. It comes from your body crying out for the drug. It is literally shaking because that chemical dependency has become a norm for your mind and body.
Just think about all these side effects. Is it really worth it to sacrifice your life and health for all this? Let us know if you want to make a change, and we will start you down the path to recovery.
Sleeping pills detoxification will not be an easy path for you. Now, you have to consider the best way to weaning yourself off of the sleeping pills that have kept you dependent. The most common detoxification process is a medical reduction in how many sleeping pills you are taking. This is called tapering, and it might be done over several weeks or it might be done quickly. Other drugs might be used to help make the process easier.
They will be substituted in lieu of your sleeping pills addiction. One such drug is Methadone, commonly used in outpatient and inpatient clinics. You will be given a dosage of 20-409 milligrams, and you will be slowly weaned off that. This will be designed to help make your withdrawal process from sleeping pills much simpler and easier. Another drug you might have substituted in place of your sleeping pills abuse would be Buprenorphine. It will detoxify your body, and like Methadone, you will be gradually moved off it. This is usually the first of many steps you will take in your fight to get clean. But, you don’t have to do it alone.
We are here to listen to your needs, and once we having a conversation, we can make some decisions. We can look at various sleeping pills rehab clinics that not only make you comfortable, but also work within your insurance plan too. Don’t worry but don’t wait either. We are here to make things ever more simple for you.
Sleeping Pill Treatment and Rehab
You have been used to a certain way of life with the pills, and now, you are seeking to make a huge life-changing decision for the better. What you first need to ask yourself is whether or not a sleeping pills rehab clinic is really the choice for you. You need to ask yourself because it will determine whether you are genuine in your struggle to get clean.
You have to think about a cost-benefit ratio as to whether or not the investment in yourself or your loved one is the best choice to make. We will be able to assist you in looking at a wide variety of sleeping pills treatment centers. We will partner together to find the best locale for you to move back to your normal life.
There will be some common treatments you will encounter during your time at a sleeping pills rehab facility. The first is the detoxification treatment, which could use other drugs like Methadone and Naltrexone to move you off of your drug and wean you off the replacement drug. This treatment plan might 24 hours medical oversight as well. You can expect to find different activities available during your stay.
Group therapy sessions will be offered to you, so you have people to help you cope with the emotional toll a sleeping pills recovery takes on you. Additionally, you will be given medical care and private therapy sessions. These are all designed to help make your stay all the more rewarding and to help you find the courage and strength to put an end to your addiction.
And it all began with our partnership. It started with your decision to want to get yourself off of sleeping pills and then with us working together to find you the best sleeping pills rehab clinic that suits your needs. It all resulted from that hard work, and we will be truly happy once you have achieved that nirvana. Talk to a Intake Coordinator
Take The First Step Towards Recovery
Rehab Treatment Process
- Step 1: Intake – When you arrive at your facility you will be assessed by the medical professionals to determine your treatment through detox, as well as your rehabilitation program.
- Step 2: Detox – After your assessment or intake you will be taken to your room where you can rest and be monitored while you go through the withdrawal of your drug use. Detox can range from 1 day to a week, depending on the drug of choice and the user.
- Step 3: Rehab – After you finish detox you will be ready to begin your addiction treatment, which can range from a variety of different options. This is when you will be able to meet others, attend lectures, participate in group or individual counseling, and learn the tools you need to stay clean.
- Step 4: Aftercare – When your time at the facility is over, you will have to go back to your life. This can be a challenge for a lot of people, but part of your treatment includes aftercare. This is usually outpatient counseling in a group or individualized setting, where you are slowly introduced back to your life and responsibilities.
Addressing Sleeping Pills Addiction
To make sure all your hard work pays off, you need to look at whether or not you really are seeking sleeping pills rehab for the right reason. You will want to reflect on the origins of your abuse and how it got you to the current point in time. We will help you fight your Sleeping Pill addiction at one of our rehab centers, and give you the guidance for your life after the addiction.
Helping a Friend or Family Member Address Their Sleeping Pills Addiction
Helping get a loved one off of their sleeping pills abuse will be a challenge unlike something seen before. They might be defensive when you try to help them. They might laugh at you for even accusing them of the addiction. Or they might flat out get angry. Whatever happens, you must make sure to have your facts and figures correct about the drug they are addicted to and the origins of the addiction itself. This is where the first part of your work begins: education.
You need to look into understanding why they ended up in the place they are in. You will need to confront the person or ask them to meet you somewhere. This cannot be a short conversation. It will need to be a bit longer, especially if you have a group of people.
You should give the sleeping pills addict a chance to confirm whether or not they are addicted. You will need to show them support and encourage them to get better. This is where having your facts and figures correct about sleeping pills abuse. We can provide you with a long range of sleeping pills rehab clinics. We will take you through the pros and cons of each, and together, we’ll determine what’s best for you.
- Make sure they are not high when having the conversation
- Tell them that you love them and care about their well-being
- Tell them that you know about their addiction
- Offer them hope
- Wait for your loved one to hit rock bottom to have this conversation
- Have this conversation alone, bring other loved ones who care about him or her
- Bluff; stand your ground on any promises or threats you make
- Don’t use confrontational or aggressive communication
The Bottom Line: You Can Overcome Sleeping Pill Addiction
If you’ve reached this point it is hard to deny the fact that you’re serious about beating your sleeping pill addiction, and that is something to have pride in and celebrate. Your life matters and there is no reason why you should allow a drug to dictate the rest of your life when help is available.
Remember, choosing to go into a sleeping pill rehab treatment center for sleeping pill abuse will help you rid yourself of the horrible side effects you’ve had to endure, extend your life span, and most importantly place you on track towards regaining you own life. So don’t fight addiction alone. Instead allow us to help you live the life you deserve to have.
Payment Options for Sleeping Pill Abuse Treatment
Is the only thing keeping you or your loved one from seeking treatment is the fear the sleeping pills treatment won’t be covered your insurance? Don’t worry. We are here to help. We will not only analyse your insurance plan, but we will provide you a free quote. It’s never too late, and we’ll look forward to speaking with you. We hope you will get out of it.
Other Sedatives
Medical disclaimer:
Sunshine Behavioral Health strives to help people who are facing substance abuse, addiction, mental health disorders, or a combination of these conditions. It does this by providing compassionate care and evidence-based content that addresses health, treatment, and recovery.
Licensed medical professionals review material we publish on our site. The material is not a substitute for qualified medical diagnoses, treatment, or advice. It should not be used to replace the suggestions of your personal physician or other health care professionals.