Alcohol is a popular substance used and abused by many people around the world. Many people ask the question, is alcohol addiction a real thing?
Different people respond to alcohol in different ways. Some people can drink responsibly; they can take a drink or two now and then. Other people have issues with drinking responsibly. They drink excessively and may become addicted to alcohol. These people are often classified as alcoholics and face a disease known as alcoholism.
Some people with an alcohol addiction appear to be high functioning. This means they have an alcohol addiction, but they can hold a job, take care of their responsibilities, and keep relationships together–at least in the beginning. Other alcoholics suffer negative consequences more quickly because of their drinking addiction.
Many people with a mild drinking addiction can quit drinking on their own. Others need the help of support groups. Others who have alcohol addiction problems benefit from seeking alcohol addiction help. There are many alcohol addiction treatment programs available for those with alcohol disorders and alcohol addictions.
The Causes of Alcohol Addictions
Most addictive substances affect the reward and pleasure center of a person’s brain. These substances include alcohol and several other drugs. Alcohol can manipulate our systems, prompting us to repeat certain behaviors over and over.
This is especially true for behaviors we enjoy. When people are addicted to alcohol, their brain functions change, causing them to desire alcohol.
Some people are more prone to experience alcohol addiction because their brain is more vulnerable to the substance. In addition, some people with mental health issues might also be more vulnerable to alcohol addiction.
People with mental health disorders and alcoholism have a condition known as a dual diagnosis or a co-occurring disorder. This is why it is important to communicate clearly to any professional doctors, nurses, and therapists you encounter in alcohol and drug addiction treatment.
Scholars estimate that genes contribute to about 40-60% of a person’s likelihood of developing an addiction. This isn’t to say that people with family histories of addictions will definitely being abusing substances themselves, but they may be more vulnerable to alcohol or drugs.
The Biological Causes of Alcohol Addiction
Many studies show excessive, repeated drinking of alcohol can change a person’s brain chemistry over a long period of time, causing them to become an alcohol addict. When you put alcohol and addiction together, the result is a disease known as alcoholism. This disease can affect a person’s judgment and self-control. It causes a person to crave alcohol and makes them believe they can’t live without it.
People wonder if alcohol addiction is the same thing as alcoholism. The answer is yes. When a person struggles with alcoholism, they have an alcohol addiction. Alcohol abuse is when someone drinks alcohol in an unsafe environment or drinks excessively to deal with certain issues in their lives.
Meanwhile, alcohol dependency is a physical condition. It is associated with withdrawal symptoms that occur when the person quits consuming alcohol. However, alcohol dependence is not the same as alcoholism.
If you have an alcohol addiction, the best thing to do is seek alcohol abuse and addiction treatment. Many addiction centers specialize in helping people with alcohol disorders, alcohol abuse issues, and alcohol dependency problems.
Many of these facilities offer alcohol addiction treatment and recovery programs. Some of these facilities include programs designed to help people with alcohol and drug abuse issues along with alcoholism and drug addiction problems.
A Social Cause of Alcohol Addiction
Alcohol is addictive and frequently misused because drinking often plays a large role in society. It is common for people to drink when celebrating certain events or during other occasions.
Many Americans try alcohol before they reach the legal drinking age (twenty-one in the United States). Some studies have shown that many teenagers start drinking because they observe their parents doing it. This is why parents should always talk with their children about drugs and alcohol.
There are many people with alcohol addictions all over the world. You might be wondering, how addictive is alcohol? This question is a bit difficult to answer. The answer could depend on a number of conditions, including a person’s personality, family history, social settings, and other factors.
The Effects of Alcohol Abuse and Addiction
Alcohol abuse and addiction can cause mild, moderate, or severe side effects. Many people who abuse alcohol eventually end up addicted to it.
Some people even end up struggling with alcoholism, which is a disease associated with alcohol addiction. This disease is diagnosed when someone drinks consistently for a long period of time, encounters health issues, or displays changes in behaviors. Some of the signs of alcoholism include the following:
- Health effects – There are a variety of health effects related to alcohol use. Some side effects are short-term, such as blacking out and alcohol poisoning. Other effects are long-term, including anxiety and depression. In addition, some people with alcoholism contract other types of diseases when they are dependent on alcohol for a long time.
- Social effects – Alcohol addiction doesn’t just affect the person who is drinking. It also affects the family members who love them. The disease can cause financial, legal, and relationship issues. It is often hard for alcoholics to maintain healthy relationships with their friends and family members.
- Financial effects – Many people who experience drug and alcohol addiction struggle with financial problems because they spend their money on alcohol and drugs. Some addicts even lose their homes and jobs because they see no way to live without their favorite substance.
- Alcohol and other drugs’ effects – Some people who have an alcohol or liquor addiction choose to drink and take drugs simultaneously. This can be very dangerous. Combining alcohol and drugs can be fatal.
There are many side effects of alcohol addiction. Many people suffer from physical, mental, and emotional issues because of their addiction.
On the upside, there is help for alcoholics. Some U.S. states and cities offer alcohol addiction services. In addition, there are alcohol addiction options such as medications to ease the discomfort of alcohol withdrawal.
If you are struggling with alcohol addiction, the best thing to do is take control of it before it completely takes control of your life. Getting professional help can you get a grip on your addiction.
Many alcohol addiction services specialize in treating people with this type of addiction. Don’t delay finding alcohol addiction treatment any longer. Now that you know more about how to battle alcohol addiction, you can get the help you need today.
Medical disclaimer:
Sunshine Behavioral Health strives to help people who are facing substance abuse, addiction, mental health disorders, or a combination of these conditions. It does this by providing compassionate care and evidence-based content that addresses health, treatment, and recovery.
Licensed medical professionals review material we publish on our site. The material is not a substitute for qualified medical diagnoses, treatment, or advice. It should not be used to replace the suggestions of your personal physician or other health care professionals.