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Non 12 Step Rehab Frisco, Texas

Top rated addiction treatment located on 38 acres of quiet and calming scenery.

  • Keep your phone and laptop
  • Safe 24/7 monitored detox
  • SMART options
  • Dual diagnosis programs
  • Long-term arrangements
  • Thorough aftercare planning
  • Located in Bastrop, Texas
  • Out of state options in CA, CO and IL

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There’s a chance you’ve heard of 12-step programs. People attend meetings and work through 12 actions they give up drinking or drug use or recover from substance use disorder or addiction.

Sometimes members will sponsor (or mentor) a newcomer, helping to provide moral and spiritual support. The steps focus on faith, surrender, and soul searching. They’re also free to join, though sometimes a hat is passed around to chip in for coffee and room rental. The evidence is largely anecdotal (and anonymous) so it’s hard to pin a number on the success rates of 12-steps.

Some people might want help, but they shy away from 12-steps’ lack of scientific data. Others don’t really want an emphasis on the spiritual.

For a person seeking help with recovery but not wanting to follow the 12-step path, there are non-12-step treatment programs in Frisco, TX.

A Need for Addiction Treatment

Frisco, Texas, lies a few miles north of Dallas, and it’s part of Denton and Collin counties. No state in the U.S. has been immune from the perils of substance use and addiction.

More than 4,000 Texans died of drug overdoses from Dec. 1, 2019, to Nov. 30, 2020. That’s an increase of 33% from the previous year. Over that same time period, nearly 90,000 people died of drug overdoses nationwide, an increase of almost 30% in that same span of time.

The National Center for Health Statistics (part of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) also reported that from Dec. 1, 2018, to Nov. 30, 2019, Texas averaged 254 overdose deaths a month. During the following 12-month period, the average rose to nearly 340.

With numbers trending upward that points to a real need for non-12-step addiction treatment in Frisco, TX.


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Inpatient Rehab

There are many non-12-step options just like there are many rehab options. With a bit of digging, you’ll likely find one that suits your needs.

First, let’s look at what you can expect out of inpatient addiction treatment. Many share common elements, including:

  • Assessment. Patients are screened for both mental and physical health as well as about their addictive pasts. That information is used to design a treatment program.
  • Detox. Here, patients get clean of drugs and alcohol. The goal is to manage acute intoxication and symptoms of withdrawal. Sometimes medically assisted detoxification is necessary, to make sure the process goes safely and in as much comfort as possible. Once the patient is sober and stable, they can move on to treatment.
  • Treatment. This typically includes talk therapy (cognitive-behavioral therapy is a common one, with a good track record) and group therapy. Sometimes other coursework or treatments might be utilized, like art therapy or learning (or relearning) day-to-day tasks like applying for jobs or balancing a budget. Non-12-step and/or 12-step meetings may be held, too. The goal is to help the patient understand what fueled their addiction and to help them find healthier ways of coping.
  • Aftercare. As the patient prepares to leave rehab, the staff will work with them to have a plan in place to help them stay sober. It can include plans to check back in with the rehab, contacts for counselors and support groups closer to home, and alumni groups (for people who have completed the program and need or want to keep in touch). The goal is to have a plan in place to prevent relapse.

Non-12-Step Programs in Frisco, TX

Non-12-step addiction treatment in Frisco, TX, (and other places) typically are usually more secular or science-based. (Technically they also could be any program that has steps — just not 12 of them.)

A big difference between 12-step and non-12-step programs hinges on responsibility and motivation.

Twelve steps hold that addiction results from bad decisions, physical effects of drugs or alcohol, and sometimes from a moral failing or defect. It’s up to the addicted individual to be humble, admit wrongdoing, and try to make amends.

Non-12-steps tend to teach that addiction isn’t the fault of the individual, but they have to do the work to recover and stay sober. Through effort, they can better understand the causes of their addictions and they will learn the skills to get and stay sober. Many non-12-steps utilize elements of psychology and a better understanding of mental health. Plans tend to be more individualized (to a specific addiction or to a specific mental disorder). Evidence-based approaches are more commonly used.

Non-12-step programs do not replace treatment, but complement it. (For that matter, 12-steps don’t replace treatment either.) Non-12-steps also tend to be run by trained professionals rather than peers.

Non-12-Step Groups

Some alternatives to 12-step groups include:

  • SMART (Self-Management and Recovery Training) Recovery. SMART uses a four-point secular and science-based plan to help people deal with problems and cravings. Meetings are run by trained facilitator. The 4-Point Program includes:
  1. Building motivation to change, and sticking with it
  2. Coping with urges to use
  3. Managing thoughts, behaviors, and feelings without resorting to relapse
  4. Living a balanced life
  • LifeRing Secular Recovery. This is a peer-run addiction recovery group, focusing on positivity and being in the present. They guide people toward finding their “Sober Self” through their 3-S philosophy of sobriety, secularity, and self-help.
  • Secular Organizationss for Sobriety (SOS). Their ultimate goal is sobriety through a self-empowerment approach.They encourage understanding addiction through a scientific lens.
  • Women for Sobriety (WFS). This nonprofit is for women only who wish to stop using drugs or alcohol. They encourage personal responsiblity as well as emotional and spiritual growth.

People who prefer psychology and science-backed approaches to understanding and managing struggles with mental health and addicton may prefer non-12-step options. So might people who prefer a more secular approach to healing. Many rehabs offer both types of meetings. People seeking non-12-step addiction treatment in Frisco, TX, should be able to find plenty of paths to help achieve a lasting sobriety.


Medical disclaimer:

Sunshine Behavioral Health strives to help people who are facing substance abuse, addiction, mental health disorders, or a combination of these conditions. It does this by providing compassionate care and evidence-based content that addresses health, treatment, and recovery.

Licensed medical professionals review material we publish on our site. The material is not a substitute for qualified medical diagnoses, treatment, or advice. It should not be used to replace the suggestions of your personal physician or other health care professionals.

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