Lubbock county, is located in the West Texas Panhandle. The place has for long, been identified as the ultimate center of conservative, social and political values. It boasts of a diversified economy that is essentially based upon and around cotton farming, ranching, and energy production. These economic activities have been able to allow the approximately quarter of a million people living here, a really comfortable lifestyle. However, in spite of this outward appearance of absolute well-being, the town of Lubbock remains a veritable hub for both the manufacture as well as the subsequent distribution of illicit drugs. And it is not just drugs alone, but rather alcohol also remains quite widely available to the adolescents as well as the youth in the region. In fact, many people running rehab facilities in Lubbock, widely consider both tobacco as well as alcohol to be essential ‘gateway drugs’ that are typically abused by the younger generation who live here.
OD deaths in the state of Texas
Apart from the city of Lubbock alone, there is the fact that the easy availability of highly dangerous controlled substances has led to a steady proliferation of OD related deaths all over not just the Texas panhandle but the whole state itself. This is due in large part to the fact, that many such people who need help the most, do not seek out rehabilitation centers in Lubbock, soon enough.
Unfortunately, in spite of the many excellent drug rehab centers in Lubbock, there is an increasing number of deaths because of OD related issues. This is because people do not seek help when they really should. And indeed, this is exactly why the state of Texas has already registered a really sharp increase of close to seven and a half percent deaths due to drug overdoses in the past few years. While it may be true that people are not OD-ing on several opiates that were the prime culprits in OD related fatalities. However, this trend has been offset by fatalities caused by overdosing on heroin in the major population centers of the state.
This means that the drug problem in Texas requires urgent measures for drug rehab in Lubbock. In fact, it is the need of the hour for NA Lubbock to urgently disseminate information that would be able to put a brake on these runaway statistics. And information dissemination is certainly required. Principally because well over 10.1 percent of youngsters who are over 12, and above have tried at least some sort of narcotic substance in the country.
As per the figures published by the “Substance Use Disorder and Mental Health Services Administration” there is definitely cause for alarm, that requires detox centers in Lubbock, not to mention the many other urban centers in the state of Texas, on an absolute war footing.
Overall narcotics and alcohol abuse stats in the state of Texas
It would be deemed pertinent to take a closer look at the various controlled substance use disorder statistics as they apply, all over the small and larger sized towns and cities in Texas.
- More than two percent of the state’s inhabitants are trying to come to grips with their substance use disorder addiction, day in day out
- Of these numbers alone, less than 5 percent of drug (and various other controlled substance) addicts are being treated at rehab facilities in Lubbock
- While, as far as alcohol dependence is concerned many such alcoholics in Texas do not even try to seek help from alcoholics anonymous in Lubbock
- The seminal importance of drug rehab centers in Lubbock in curbing drug abuse
If we were to study these statistics closely, we can easily see that the people who need drug rehab in Lubbock are either not trying or for that matter, are not able to reach out and opt for non 12 step rehab in Lubbock. There are quite a few reasons for this ostensibly sad state of affairs. Some of them have to do with the conditions at Lubbock drug rehab centers and others are just plain scared.
However, this really should not be the case at all, due to the fact that rehab centers in Lubbock TX are state-of-the-art rehabilitation centers in Lubbock with many offering luxury rehab in Lubbock so that the patient would not want for anything there. Apart from that, there is also the fear that there might be a lot of pain involved in detox in Lubbock TX, or even medical detox in Lubbock TX.
However, the rehabilitation facilities in Lubbock are second to none and cater to any and all individuals who are desirous of their services. In fact, as far as treatment centers in Lubbock are concerned, it is pertinent to note that Lubbock rehab facilities are easily available for anyone who needs them, regardless of caste, creed, or race.
Of course, should anyone be really interested in drug rehab in Lubbock TX, then he or she will be able to find out that there are many options for individuals who are interested in acquiring the services of drug rehab centers in Lubbock. As a matter of fact, due to the high average net worth of the people who live in Lubbock TX, there are many alcohol treatment centers in Lubbock as well as drug rehab Lubbock co-options, for all classes of people.
Substance use disorder in educational institutions in Lubbock, TX
Due to the wealth found in the Texas panhandle, youth have a lot of money and many of them take to both alcohol and other substance use disorder because of any number of reasons, such as boredom or peer pressure, to quote but a few. As a matter of fact, alcohol is seen as being responsible for many, if not most substance use disorder-related problems on both high school and college campuses, of the kind that require the services of rehab centers in Lubbock along with various other rehabilitation centers in Lubbock because of the permissive culture in such educational institutions. According to Texas Tech, there are as many as 84% of college students who admit to drinking alcohol at one time or another. A combined number of over 50% have used some type of addictive substance. That is why they and other campuses such as Lubbock Christian University provide counseling services for recovery.
If needed, students may have access to rehab in other cities, such as an Odessa rehabilitation center.
Alcohol addiction in the city of Lubbock TX
Due to many reasons, not least being the availability of easy money as well as boredom, a steadily increasing number of both adults as well as adolescents in Lubbock today, are now turning to alcohol dependence as a mean of seeking excitement in their lives. Unfortunately, this has led to a pretty high rate of alcohol abuse and dependency, as can be seen by the ever-increasing number of people showing up at aa meetings in Lubbock, TX.
However, even though alcohol abuse has also led many alcoholics to reach out and opt for alcohol treatment in Lubbock TX, but alcohol is not the only substance being abused here. On the contrary, many people are addicted to not just alcohol ‘(and since it is a gateway of sorts) to other narcotics as well. This means that they will have to opt for dual diagnosis rehab in Lubbock. However, for post drug rehab treatment in Lubbock, it is important that they should have various sessions with narcotics anonymous in Lubbock, or as it is more popularly known ‘na Lubbock.’
Apart from that, the various different alcohol treatment centers in Lubbock, as well as various Lubbock drug rehab centers, are providing great services to the whole community, irrespective, of their social and economic background. Unfortunately, the fact of the matter is that the youth population of Lubbock, is now taking to addiction because of the ‘cool’ factor that is generally associated with such drugs, and hash still continues to be a powerful drug because of which the youth seek drug rehab in Lubbock TX.
Marijuana and other so-called ‘soft’ drugs and alcohol sometimes also require substance use disorder treatment in Lubbock. As a matter of fact, there are special sessions among alcoholics anonymous Lubbock, TX to tackle this problem. However, aa Lubbock is always there to ensure that such unfortunate people easily recover from their respective addictions regardless of their social stature or age.
Types of Treatment for Substance Use Disorder in Lubbock, TX
- SMART Recovery – Apart from the easy access as well as the availability of the major alcohol treatment centers in Lubbock there are also Self-Management and Recovery Training or SMART Recovery Meetings in Lubbock. The core concepts of the smart program are increasingly being adopted by narcotics anonymous Lubbock even as they are practiced in many Lubbock drug rehab centers.
- 12 Step Rehab – Most people think of AA or NA when they think of the 12 step rehab options. This method of therapy and rehab allows the person suffering from addiction to have a step by step process to work through for recovery. These steps help recovery go from beginning to end by keeping the patient-focused and committed as they work each step. Twelve-step rehab is among the most common treatment types, so consider seeking out rehabs all over the state—such as a rehab center in Killeen, Texas.
- Non 12 step – This program is for those who are not good with step by step or do not fit the approach that the 12-steps offer. Not every approach is a one size fits all and that’s where this program option comes in. This option allows you to work through recovery on your terms.
- Luxury Rehab – Luxury rehab in Lubbock is a great way to get added benefits when you’re facing an addiction and on recovery journey. There are more amenities and more privacy in this treatment option. They include such things as yoga, meditation, and massage therapy as well.
- Dual Diagnosis – Many who attend rehab are struggling with more than one issue at a time. Anxiety, depression, mental illness and addiction all go hand in hand in many cases. Finding assistance that combines therapy options to face all of the situations at hand is the best case for someone dealing with a dual diagnosis. Dual diagnosis can be a necessity for patients, so make sure to seek out a facility that has it if needed, such as a rehab center in Wichita Falls, Texas.
Other options – Still other options for rehab include holistic approaches and Christian rehab. Whether you want to use your faith or you’re searching for more natural methods, there is something for everyone in this rehab location.
Paying for Drug Rehab in Lubbock
When it comes to paying for treatment centers in Texas, you may feel overwhelmed and unsure. You can breathe a little easier knowing there are a variety of payment methods. Insurance through a private plan or your employer most times will help to cover the cost of rehab. Paying for rehab may be different in other centers, such as a Frisco, TX, rehab center, so be sure to compare your options. Other options include government assistance programs or assistance through a loan from family or friends. Still other methods include using a savings account you have set up or through payment plans the treatment center can offer.
Medical disclaimer:
Sunshine Behavioral Health strives to help people who are facing substance abuse, addiction, mental health disorders, or a combination of these conditions. It does this by providing compassionate care and evidence-based content that addresses health, treatment, and recovery.
Licensed medical professionals review material we publish on our site. The material is not a substitute for qualified medical diagnoses, treatment, or advice. It should not be used to replace the suggestions of your personal physician or other health care professionals.