Because it’s accessible and often socially acceptable, alcohol is a commonly used substance. As workers and clients at inpatient alcohol rehab centers in Aurora, CO, know, alcohol is also a commonly abused substance.
Why do people need alcohol addiction treatment in Aurora, CO?
Like other people across the United States and around the world, people in Aurora, CO, sometimes misuse alcohol and drugs, sometimes needing the services of substance use disorder treatment centers in Aurora, CO.
Misusing alcohol and drugs can hurt the people using the substances themselves. They can also hurt others. Misuse can kill.
Statistics from the Arapahoe County Coroner’s Office indicate just how deadly alcohol and drugs can be. (Aurora, Colorado is in Arapahoe, Adams, and Douglas counties.)
According to the office, in 2020 in Arapahoe County:
- Alcohol was detected in the blood of 18 of the 37 drivers who died in fatal vehicle accidents.
- Nine people who killed themselves had a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of 0.161 or above.
Alcohol rehab in Aurora, CO, could prevent these deaths and other hazards.

What is an alcohol detox center in Aurora, CO?
Before people undergo treatment for alcohol abuse or addiction, they might stay at alcohol detox centers in Aurora, CO.
Alcohol detox in Aurora, CO, is critical when addressing alcohol abuse or addiction because it includes procedures that remove alcohol from people’s bodies.
But people who have been drinking heavily shouldn’t go cold turkey, that is, stopping all alcohol drinking immediately on their own. Doing so can be uncomfortable or even dangerous. It can lead to severe side effects such as:
- Disorientation
- Seizures
- Rapid heart rate
- Elevated blood pressure
- Death
During detoxification procedures (detox) at an alcohol detox facility in Aurora, CO, people might receive medications that could help minimize their cravings and risk of relapse. They might also receive assistance for anxiety or other side effects. These measures could make their withdrawal from alcohol safer and more comfortable.
What is inpatient alcohol rehab in Aurora, CO?
After undergoing detox procedures, people undergo treatment for their alcohol abuse or addiction. While people may find outpatient programs convenient, it’s often a good idea to receive inpatient care instead.
Residential or inpatient alcohol rehabs in Aurora, CO, require clients to live and receive treatment at the same facilities. This arrangement can be especially beneficial during alcohol addiction treatment since clients receive consistent medical supervision and have access to quick assistance if there’s an emergency or other problem.
By staying at a treatment center, clients receive care for an extended period of time. They can participate in therapy and other options and begin to learn how to live lives without alcohol.
Inpatient alcohol rehabs in Aurora, CO, also remove their clients from people and situations that could be fueling their substance use disorder or addiction. The facilities can work with clients to develop ways to face these potential triggers.
If situations or people threaten to end their clients’ newfound sobriety and jeopardize their long-term recovery, professionals at an addiction treatment center in Aurora, CO, can work with clients to break from these destructive influences entirely.
Why does substance use disorder treatment in Aurora, CO, often feature support groups?
Clients who attend alcohol rehab in Aurora, CO (or anywhere), might participate in sobriety support groups. These groups are common components of inpatient programs, both within the centers and after clients leave them.
An alcohol rehab facility in Aurora, CO, might have Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) meetings, for example. AA is a program that asks participants to work through a series of 12 steps and surrender to a higher power. There are also 12-step groups for different drug addictions and compulsive behaviors, such as gambling and overeating.
Some alcohol rehabs in Aurora, CO, might hold meetings of other groups that take approaches that are less spiritual but more based on evidence. Such programs include SMART Recovery and LifeRing Secular Recovery.
Regardless of the approach, these programs encourage people to meet in person, online, or through technology (phones, electronic devices, etc.). Meeting with others can provide a sense of camaraderie and prove that recovery is possible.
Addiction treatment in Aurora, CO, also shows that people can heal from alcohol abuse or addiction, especially if they enlist the help of others.

Medical disclaimer:
Sunshine Behavioral Health strives to help people who are facing substance abuse, addiction, mental health disorders, or a combination of these conditions. It does this by providing compassionate care and evidence-based content that addresses health, treatment, and recovery.
Licensed medical professionals review material we publish on our site. The material is not a substitute for qualified medical diagnoses, treatment, or advice. It should not be used to replace the suggestions of your personal physician or other health care professionals.