Willow Springs Recovery - Austin, Texas
Alcohol Rehab in Frisco, Texas
Top rated addiction treatment located on 38 acres of quiet and calming scenery.
- Keep your phone and laptop
- Safe 24/7 monitored detox
- SMART options
- Dual diagnosis programs
- Long-term arrangements
- Thorough aftercare planning
- Located in Bastrop, Texas
- Out of state options in CA, CO and IL
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Frisco, Texas, is a few miles north of Dallas, tucked into Delton and Collin counties. Like countless other places in Texas and across the United States, it’s been affected by alcohol abuse.
The Texas Department of State Health Services reported that every year more than 69,000 Texans get arrested for driving while intoxicated. Some other findings include:
- 46% of traffic fatalities are linked to alcohol
- 18% of Texas adults binge drink every month
- 17% of teens said they’d first tried alcohol before they turned 13.
In 2019, the Texas Department of Transportation reported a total of 573 crashes in Collin County and 548 crashes in Denton County that involved driving under the influence. Nine crashes in Collin County resulted in 10 deaths, and seven people died in seven Denton County wrecks.
Alcohol can contribute to more than car crashes, however. Falls, assaults, drownings, diseases, cancers, and addiction are all potential outcomes of alcohol abuse.
Alcohol rehabs in Frisco, TX, and surrounding areas are equipped to help people who struggle with addiction and abuse and its consequences.
What happens at alcohol detox centers in Frisco, TX?
Before a person’s addiction treatment can begin, they may need to visit an alcohol detox facility. During this stage of detoxification, alcohol is eliminated from the body.
Checking into an alcohol detox center in Frisco, TX, is much safer than trying to get “clean” at home. This type of facility can offer medically assisted treatment while you detox. That’s an important step, especially if you’ve been drinking heavily for a long time. While it might sound like the way to go, quitting cold turkey can turn deadly for people with a strong physical addiction.
Someone with a severe alcohol dependency who simply quits drinking alcohol could experience risky side effects like an elevated heartbeat, hallucinations, and seizures. Some patients could become comatose or even die from the worst effects of withdrawal.
Medical professionals will monitor a patient’s physical and mental health as they undergo alcohol detox in Frisco, TX. They might provide medication to minimize the side effects of withdrawal and help them stay hydrated. That readies them for treatment, free of the worst withdrawal pains.

Benefits of inpatient alcohol rehab centers in Frisco, TX
Inpatient alcohol rehabs in Frisco, TX, offer several distinct advantages. One is that clients stay at the same facility that is providing the treatment.
Patients also have access to around-the-clock care (including weekends, holidays, and evenings). That way, if an emergency occurs or the client needs some extra help in some way, it’s right there.
One other advantage of inpatient alcohol rehab is there are no drugs or alcohol readily available since those substances are banned. Patients contend with fewer temptations that way and can train their focus on recovery.
Other components of alcohol rehab in Frisco, TX
Treatment can vary patient by patient, but many substance use disorder treatment centers in Frisco, TX, provide some common (and proven) treatment approaches.
Therapy is an important part of any addiction treatment program. It can help people learn more about what contributes to their substance use disorder. (It can be any number of things, from trauma to co-occurring disorders, and plenty of options in between.) Not only does therapy strive to help people understand the root causes of their substance use, but it also helps them learn to identify problematic thought patterns and develop healthier ways of coping.
Support group sessions are also held during alcohol addiction treatment in Frisco, TX. This can be 12-step or 12-step alternatives. Twelve steps like Alcoholics Anonymous often employ a more spiritually based approach to examining one’s behaviors, admitting wrongs, and making amends. Non-12-steps like SMART Recovery utilize psychology to help people. Whichever type of support group you prefer, they can help you connect and communicate with others who face similar struggles.
Staff members are also adept at offering support and insights.
An addiction treatment center in Frisco, TX, is more than a place to get free of drugs or alcohol. It also teaches clients how to live substance-free and offers a community’s worth of support to help a person heal and achieve lasting sobriety.

Medical disclaimer:
Sunshine Behavioral Health strives to help people who are facing substance abuse, addiction, mental health disorders, or a combination of these conditions. It does this by providing compassionate care and evidence-based content that addresses health, treatment, and recovery.
Licensed medical professionals review material we publish on our site. The material is not a substitute for qualified medical diagnoses, treatment, or advice. It should not be used to replace the suggestions of your personal physician or other health care professionals.