Willow Springs Recovery - Austin, Texas


Alcohol Rehab in Laredo, Texas

Top rated addiction treatment located on 38 acres of quiet and calming scenery.

  • Keep your phone and laptop
  • Safe 24/7 monitored detox
  • SMART options
  • Dual diagnosis programs
  • Long-term arrangements
  • Thorough aftercare planning
  • Located in Bastrop, Texas
  • Out of state options in CA, CO and IL

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Alcohol tends to be easy to acquire — even if you’re underage — and it’s oh-so-easy to abuse. We have Margarita Mondays and Wine Wednesdays, after all. When we think of college parties, we rarely think of teetotaling being a companion activity. We like to raise a glass at weddings and other celebrations. And so it goes.

When looking at drinking rates for all 50 states in the United States (and the District of Columbia), Texas isn’t even in the top 10. But studies have still found that more than half (51.72%) of Texas adults drink regularly. About one in four (25.6%) of adults binge drink regularly — that’s consuming several drinks on one occasion (usually five drinks for men and four for women).

While not everyone drinks to excess, those who do put not only their own lives at risk (of cancers, heart disease, liver problems, or accidents), but they can also put others in harm’s way. Those kinds of behaviors point to a greater problem and can evolve into alcoholism, which is characterized by:

  • Not being able to control how much you drink
  • Strong alcohol cravings
  • Drinking even though it’s causing problems at work, school, or home, or it’s harming your health
  • Using alcohol in risky situations, like driving or swimming
  • A growing tolerance to alcohol or withdrawal symptoms when you try to stop

Alcohol addiction can be extremely difficult to overcome, especially over long-term use where a person has grown dependent on the stuff, but alcohol rehab centers in Laredo, TX, are equipped to help their patients get sober and remain that way.


Our closest facility is in Texas

11128 TX-21, Bastrop, TX 78602

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What Happens in Alcohol Detox Centers in Laredo, TX

One of the first things that an alcohol detox facility in Laredo, TX, will do is have its clients undergo detoxification. That’s the process of removing alcohol from one’s body. Depending on how long, how often, and how much alcohol a person has been drinking, they may have a strong physical dependence on the stuff. This can make medical oversight all the more vital when quitting drinking.

That’s because the alcohol withdrawal symptoms one experiences when one stops drinking can be extremely unpleasant. For example, a patient might experience anxiety, headaches, upset stomach, and irritability. If they’re severely addicted, things could turn dangerous — even life-threatening. In such cases, the patient might experience delirium tremens, with serious side effects like a racing heartbeat, seizures, hallucinations, and even death.

When a patient stays at a rehab that offers alcohol detox in Laredo, TX, they’ll get around-the-clock medical care. Staff will monitor their progress and make sure they’re safe and comfortable. If vomiting accompanies withdrawal, they might be hooked up to an IV so they don’t risk dehydration, and they’ll get some electrolytes and vitamins to sustain them further. Medication might be administered to help with nausea and anxiety. Not only will that keep the patient safe and stable, but it also will make it easier to endure detoxification and focus on recovery.

Benefits of Inpatient Alcohol Rehab Centers in Laredo, TX

That 24/7 monitoring is one significant benefit of checking into inpatient alcohol rehabs in Laredo, TX, and other locations. Inpatient treatment, or residential care, means clients will bunk down at the same facilities that also provide the treatment. Stays can last 30, 60, or 90 days or longer, depending on need, insurance, and what the patient wants.

Residing on-site means patients will have access to assistance all the time, including nights, weekends, and holidays. That way, if an emergency happens, help will be right there, usually within minutes.

Another advantage of inpatient addiction treatment in Laredo, TX, is that the patient lives at the facility as they recover, so staffers are right there to offer advice and support. Clients will be around others going through the same challenges (and can enjoy that camaraderie). Facilities have other advantages, too. The kitchen staff will prepare balanced and nutritious meals to help recovering alcoholics regain their health and strength (since alcohol interferes with nutrient absorption, and deficiencies can lead to many problems).

Being at a rehab where drugs and alcohol are forbidden and away from home, school, work, or other potential triggers also means people in recovery have fewer temptations and can better focus on sobriety.

Other Components of Alcohol Rehab in Laredo, TX

Exact treatment options will vary from facility to facility, but substance use disorder centers in Laredo, TX, will typically focus on providing evidence-based treatments that also take the patient’s physical and mental health into consideration. Besides detoxing and regaining strength through a healthier regime (balanced meals, on-site activities), patients can expect:

  • Talk therapy. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is a popular form of treatment because it can start to produce results quickly. It also pairs well with other therapies. CBT can help with addictive behaviors and mental health disorders. Clients learn to identify and understand self-destructive behaviors and thought patterns and learn to reframe those in a more healthful light. Patients also develop healthier coping mechanisms.
  • Sobriety support groups. These can either be 12-step (like Alcoholics Anonymous) or non-12-step (like SMART Recovery). Twelve steps can be more spiritually focused, while the non-12s generally rely more on psychology. These peer support groups can be helpful as patients learn they’re not alone in their struggles, and members can share advice on working past cravings, handling stress and triggers, and more.
  • Family therapy. Because addiction tends to affect the entire family, therapy can help. A counselor can oversee sessions and ensure everyone gets heard. They can also help establish healthy boundaries and improve communication among the family unit.

Clients of an alcohol rehab facility in Laredo, TX, might also take part in other therapies. Art or equine therapy, for example, can help patients more effectively process emotions and sort through feelings. Yoga or meditation can help with stress.

Along the way, staffers help the patient with an aftercare plan for life after check-out. That usually includes plans to reconnect with the center regularly to report on progress and challenges, appointments with therapists, and support group meetings. Many inpatient alcohol addiction treatment centers also have alumni programs where patients can keep in touch with peers who are on the same journey.


Medical disclaimer:

Sunshine Behavioral Health strives to help people who are facing substance abuse, addiction, mental health disorders, or a combination of these conditions. It does this by providing compassionate care and evidence-based content that addresses health, treatment, and recovery.

Licensed medical professionals review material we publish on our site. The material is not a substitute for qualified medical diagnoses, treatment, or advice. It should not be used to replace the suggestions of your personal physician or other health care professionals.

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